Hey guys!!! happy new year to you all~ Let's take past as an experience...happiness as a sweet memories, sad as a growing path, stress as a challenges for next year! Cheers!!
WooOOOoo!!!! this is really a great show!!! great performance!!! :D
I really really like this movie very mucheeee....is great...is awesome....I like the way he speak.....they way he treat ppl......n also...truly adore by his talent....
While i watching this movie, i deeply feel sympathy and sad on his dead...what a waste...... >.<
if he never.....i think i might become one of his fans :)
SOS~my memory retention getting shorter and shorter...i'm sooOOooooOoooo forgetful..OMG...how i can survive if keep continue like this...help...anything in this earth can make my memories more retentive?
OMG!! a BIG financial graph for my saving account....sob sob....just found out that i overspent x50 again...n the worst is......is just beginning of the month , how can i survive til end of the month? @@
Dear All, Please exclude me in any activities which will organize this month....
BUT!! i very much welcome to those generous person who willing donate some $$ to me.. =P
I was so surprise when my sister suddenly called me and told me that she will sponsor me to Perth ^^ yeah yeah.... But, of course i can't accept the offer....but really thanks for the intention ^^