Hey guys!!! happy new year to you all~ Let's take past as an experience...happiness as a sweet memories, sad as a growing path, stress as a challenges for next year! Cheers!!
WooOOOoo!!!! this is really a great show!!! great performance!!! :D
I really really like this movie very mucheeee....is great...is awesome....I like the way he speak.....they way he treat ppl......n also...truly adore by his talent....
While i watching this movie, i deeply feel sympathy and sad on his dead...what a waste...... >.<
if he never.....i think i might become one of his fans :)
SOS~my memory retention getting shorter and shorter...i'm sooOOooooOoooo forgetful..OMG...how i can survive if keep continue like this...help...anything in this earth can make my memories more retentive?
OMG!! a BIG financial graph for my saving account....sob sob....just found out that i overspent x50 again...n the worst is......is just beginning of the month , how can i survive til end of the month? @@
Dear All, Please exclude me in any activities which will organize this month....
BUT!! i very much welcome to those generous person who willing donate some $$ to me.. =P
I was so surprise when my sister suddenly called me and told me that she will sponsor me to Perth ^^ yeah yeah.... But, of course i can't accept the offer....but really thanks for the intention ^^
This movie was highly recommended by PC and coincidently went to watch with housemate =P... its really not bad...u can really laugh from beginning til the end.. =P ... sooooo~~...what u waiting for?!!! hahahhaha...have a good laugh k :)
Today suppose is my 'resting' day..but end up curi tulang at home..FB-ing and watch movie..muhahahhaa...just finish watch this movie~ is quite funny, touching and sad...my tear keep dropping,...LOL....u should watch it if u hvn't.. :)
yap yap..i just came back from bali~~feeling so nice when at sea side~~the blue sea always make me feel good =P ...hope to visit there again..~~~~hihi..
NON-OFFICIAL / PERSONAL TRIP Step 1: Prior to leaving M'sia For non official / personal trip, please advise the employee to do the following:- [1] Get flu vaccination from our panel doctor, employee must bear the medical costs by himself.
[2] Declare his travel plans (prior to leaving) to the HOD & HR Dept via a simple email ************************************************************************************ Step 2: Upon returning to M'sia The employee must do the following:- [1] Self-quarantined for 3 days (consecutive days) at home. --- Note: these 3 days shall be treated as "annual leave or unpaid leave". [2] On the 4th day, he is required to seek medical advice/consultation from our panel doctor to see if he is fit to return to the office. --- Note: Upon clearance by the Doctor only can he be allowed to report back for work. --- If the employee is on medical leave, please notify the HOD and HR Dept accordingly.
I feel so angry when receiving this email. As its really unfair, why need to deduct our AL or unpaid for quarentine? Can't we work from home?
I feel unfair when i realize it only apply to certain depart, other departs does not required any quarentine or AL deduction, even our SVP mentioned to other depart that this will treat it as an unrecorded leave.....grrrr...really hate it, y this only apply to our depart. Y the SVP only verbally told other departs but not sent out an official email??? =_=!!!
Yeah, did not back home for quite sometime~KP seem like more "sophisticated"..u know y? coz it start to have wireless near my house ^^..i can "borrow" anytime i want without going tru tedious process - ti du ti du(tmnet)..Muahhahahhaa... =P BUT..i still need to pray hard...praying that the owner won't set password...LOL.....N hope it same to uptown as well =)
well~....It also has been quite sometime i did't update my blog ...what a irresponsible blog owner~ under construction for months....=_+ i'm a bad organizer, not good in managing thing...lol....